Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is an extremely prevalent condition in our society as evidenced by the constant television commercials bombarding us with ads for drugs that are supposed to solve all our heartburn problems and lead us to a better life. It has…

The Gut and Connections to Other Organs

Recent research has discovered some fascinating connections between the gut and several other organs of the body.  In this segment, we review some of these connections between the gut and the liver, immune system, brain and thyroid…

Functions of the Gastrointestinal System

“Every living organism has to have two fundamental abilities: to bring in substances which provide energy and sustenance and to remove waste from the organism. We are exposed to innumerable substances in our environment simply by breathing, eating, drinking, working and…”

When Does Chemical Exposure Become a Problem?

What is your chemical load? How do we defend ourselves against these constant threats? Why does ability to handle toxins vary from person to person? When does chemical exposure become a problem? What is “toxicant-induced loss of tolerance”? What are the consequences…

Autoimmune Summit Highlights

Wow! I hope all of you got a chance to listen to some of the speakers from this online event which took place Nov. 10-18. Dr. Amy Myers did an excellent job in gathering some of the leading experts, including researchers and clinicians from the fields of immunology, neurology,…

12 Common Endocrine Disruptors and Other Environmental Chemicals

What are “endocrine disruptors”? What are “xenoestrogens”? In this segment, we examine the 12 most common endocrine disruptors according to the Environmental Working Group and 4 other common environmental chemicals we come in contact with daily and review…