Autoimmune Disease in the U.S.- Part 3 in 6-Part Series

What are the mechanisms and mediators involved in autoimmunity? Intestinal permeability promotes autoimmunity. Gluten sensitivity and autoimmunity connection. Main points of this issue: Intestinal permeability promotes autoimmunity Intestinal permeability occurs when the tight junctions of the intestinal mucosa are compromised Intestinal permeability may be a necessary condition for the development of autoimmunity Malabsorption is common […]

Autoimmune Disease in the U.S.- Part 2 in 6-Part Series

What are the different types of autoimmune disease?  How common is Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism?  What is involved in the development of AI disease? Main points of this issue: Autoimmune (AI) disease is characterized by an immune response against self-tissue The most common AI disease in the U.S. is Hashimotos autoimmune thyroid 8% of the U.S. population […]

Brain Health

 “Your brain is the hub of your nervous system.  It is made of 100 billion neurons, about the same as the number of trees in the Amazon rainforest.  Each cell is connected to around 10,000 others.  So the total number of connections in your brain is about 1000 trillion—about the same as the number of […]

Diabetes & Obesity

The diabesity epidemic: diabetes and obesity are now the #1 health problem in america today   WHAT IS DIABESITY? Diabesity is the disturbance of metabolic health that results from having a problem with blood sugar balance and an excess percentage of body fat.  It can range from mild to severe, depending on the stage of […]

Bridging Lifestyle Medicine and Systems Biology

San Jose Functional Medicine specializes in Functional Medicine, an emerging science-based medicine that approaches the body from a ‘systems biology’ perspective. The focus is on identifying the key physiologic mechanisms in the body that result in the patient’s signs and symptoms and directing the treatment towards these underlying mechanisms with science-based nutritional (ie: herbal or […]

We offer research-based therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC) and detox programs

FirstLine Therapy® is a comprehensive therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC) program that takes a multidisciplinary approach to weight gain and metabolic abnormalities, including elevated blood sugar (pre-diabetes and diabetes) and lipid (cholesterol and triglyceride) abnormalities. TLC is recommended by leading health organizations such as the National Institute Health, the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association […]

Why Choose our Detox Program?

It is science-based. It supports BOTH Phase I and Phase II activities by providing key ingredients such as L-glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, taurine, sodium sulfate, and catechins from green tea. If needed, alkalizing factors such as potassium citrate can be included to enhance toxin excretion. It provides rice protein, a low-allergy-potential source of protein. It is clinically […]